OK2LAND Conditions of Use

OK2LAND, the aerodrome and pilots’ smooth and safe flying administration service.


Our mission is to increase availability of GA aerodromes by streamlining aerodromes and pilot experiences and to enable the reactivation of aerodromes closed or threatened with closure and support the flying community though PPL grants for young people.

1. Membership

To enjoy the benefits of the OK2Land platform it is necessary to register a membership account and log in to enjoy the benefits of as an Aerodrome or aircrew or aircraft owner or operator

2. Our Service

The OK2Land platform administers aerodromes and private & commercial aircrew of aircraft of all categories to facilitate arrival, landings and departures and other services by automating many administrative tasks carried out manually by aerodrome personnel and air crews. Signing up for the OK2Land system is an agreementto be a User under the following conditions:

3. General Conditions

a. For clarity, the term “Aerodrome” shall be used for; airports, large and medium airfields, (towered and non-towered), airstrips, farmers’ airstrips, UL and helicopter and balloon landing Areas. Aerodrome Owner or FBO, PIC, Pilot, Aircrew or Aircraft Operator may be referred to generally as Users.

b. OK2Land databases of member aerodromes and aircraft types allows aircrew to select destination aerodromes and immediately see aerodrome service fees and triggers a hands-off PPR withindemnity statement and full details of the aircraft and PIC. The aerodrome can then process and grant the PPR (often an automated process saving aerodrome personnel time).

c. All Users understand that OK2Land’s role is automated PPR plus administration of billing and collection of aerodrome services fees and multiple log-book completion and thus, a tool to facilitate services between aerodromes and aircrews.

d. It is agreed that OK2Land does not guarantee nor is responsible that information uploaded by third parties such as PICs or aircraft owners/operators or aerodrome owners is accurate.

e. It is agreed that OK2Land cannot guarantee that an aerodrome is operational or suitable for landing on any particular day. The use of said aerodrome is solely the choice and responsibility of the PIC or aircraft operator.

f. PIC and/or aircraft operators are responsible for choice of aerodromes and flight planning including relevant risk assessments prior to attempting a landing, in particular to a first time landing atany particular aerodrome. OK2Land and our Platform play no role in such Pilot responsibilities.

g. It is agreed that OK2Land cannot in any way be liable or held responsible for any actions, acts, omissions, missed appointments or incidents occurring after a PIC, aircraft or aerodrome owner or other User has used OK2Land.

h. All PICs guarantee that they hold all licences, type ratings issued under their national licensing body and valid in the jurisdiction in which they are flying and that a PPR acceptance through OK2Land is not an alternative permission or substitution of the above laws.

i. All PICs and aircraft operators guarantee that they hold at least the minimum required insurance for the aircraft in operation and required by PPR aerodromes.j. OK2Land is not a party to any contractual or non-contractual relationships between aerodrome owners, PICs or aircraft operators and shall not be involved in any disputes that may arise between the above parties nor shall OK2Land participate in discussions or communications between them.


k. Any form of accident or mishap occurring where an aircraft PIC or Operator at a destination aerodrome chosen through OK2Land shall in no circumstances be attributable to negligence of OK2Land, even if the information shown on OK2Land proved inaccurate.

l. The above conditions govern the relationship between aerodromes, PICs and aircraft operators with OK2Land. Entering aerodrome and aircraft data in the OK2Land Platform indicates an understanding and binding acceptance of the OK2Land conditions.

m. All above terms and conditions apply to the use of OK2Land accessed through https://OK2Land.com/, Mobile Pilot Application, and Web Application, accessible via desktop and mobile devices, together comprise the OK2Land Platform.

4. Code of Use

Members may use the Platform for lawful purposes as outlined in our conditions without limitation whereby it is agreed to use the platform only as authorised in our licence and in a courteous, respectful, none discriminating, none malignant, none damaging manner and according to all governing laws concerning digital, networks, material equipment and natural persons and Users and other entities.

5. OK2LAND’s Relations with Aerodromes

a. All FBOs or owners of all categories of aerodrome are able to register with OK2Land and enjoy the automated PPR and other hands-off administrative services that OK2Land makes possible.

This includes unstaffed farm and grass strips and UL fields where OK2Land is a defacto virtual FBO.

b. Aerodrome FBO or owners may upload their aerodrome data by completing the Aerodrome application forms. New or updated information to existing aerodrome data may be added at any time.

c. An aerodrome visible on the OK2Land platform means that we have accepted that uploaded data on our Platform is accurate. OK2Land does not verify the accuracy of the data nor carry out its own risk assessment of any given aerodrome.

d. All Users are aware that OK2Land does not permanently monitor User input in real time but has the right to monitor Users input data and operational interactions within the OK2LAND system.

6. Aerodrome Responsibilities

a. Aerodrome FBOs or owners grant free access and international use of aerodrome data without royalties to enable their aerodrome to function effectively through the OK2LAND platform.

b. All data on OK2Land is provided based on the input from member Aerodromes.

c. Aerodrome Data entered does not require approval by OK2Land and thus OK2Land is not responsible for verifying the accuracy of information uploaded.

d. Aerodrome FBO or owners are responsible for entering, maintaining and updating the content on their own aerodrome listings, in particular landing and other services fees and PPR settings and responses whether automatic or manual.

e. Aerodrome FBOs and owners have a duty of care such as runway conditions, minimum visual indicators and maintenance of accurate data which is owed to any aircrew and passengers landing

at their aerodrome particularly by unstaffed airstrips with infrequent traffic.

f. OK2Land reserves the right to approve, not approve, remove, or otherwise edit any aerodrome data or other information on our Platform where we deem it necessary or appropriate to do so, and in the best interests and safety of the flying community.

g. Aerodrome owners and FBO’s grant OK2Land full rights to access, corroborate, collect, combine, evaluate, employ, store, disseminate, transmit, process and transfer data to enable OK2Land Platform to perform its specialised aerodrome services as agreed. All and any other rights not specifically granted or named in these conditions are reserved.

h. The functions of the Platform are available in its present state that may be extended with additional functions as well modifying or removing functions for security reasons as necessary.

7. OK2LAND’s Relations with Aircrews

Pilot (PIC) Responsibilities

a. Despite enjoying an automated PPR system, pilots are still advised to follow all required risk assessment and other verification checks such as the destination aerodrome website before attempting to land at a destination aerodrome.

b. PICs agree that all landings in particular first time landings at a grass landing strip or unlicensed aerodrome is at the PIC’s own risk.

c. The PIC is aware that the automated PPR carries a PIC’s indemnity clause that the aircraft in use is insured for the minimum sum for third parties.

d. The PIC or aircraft owner indemnifies a destination aerodrome FBO and OK2Land from all claims arising from the PIC’s landing or departure.

e. Attempts by aircrew or aircraft operator to circumvent payment of aerodrome fees through false data input could constitute on landing; a trespass, fraud, an illegal landing, an unreported forcedlanding, and, as such may result in the removal of such a User from the OK2Land platform.

Information From Users

a. All Users must provide truthful and accurate information when becoming a OK2Land member aerodrome or so we are able to provide you with the best possible service. Please be aware that any misleading information provided by a User could be a danger to the flying community and will cause OK2Land, after after a warning, to suspend such an Account.

b. Account security is entirely the Users responsibility including all activities by the User or possibly any person using the account has not been authorised by the User. Notify us immediately of any unauthorised use of the User account or any breach of security relating to the OK2Land Platform. OK2Land is not and cannot be held responsible for any loss or damages due to a User’s disclosure of account details to a third party.

c. Users are responsible to ensure that information given to OK2Land to be stored is current. Users have to update personal details as and when required and notify OK2Land accordingly.

d. Subject to applicable law, OK2Land holds no liability to Users beyond what is stated in these Terms and Conditions, and each PIC and operator and Aerodrome Owner agrees to indemnify OK2Land in full for all losses, costs and expenses arising out of any claim made against OK2Land in respect of an actual or potential breach by a them of these Conditions.

8. Termination of Account.

a. Should a User wish to terminate an Account with OK2LAND, it can be done by deleting the account. WARNING; deleting an Account involves the 100% loss of all data connected or held by that Account. This loss of data is irrecoverable even by the recreation of another account.9. Termination of Usage

a. By disregarding or breaking the OK2LAND Code of Usage we shall exercise our right to suspend a User’s rights without notice.

b. The offending party shall have two weeks to appeal our suspension. If no satisfactory explanation or by expiry of the abovesuspension period then it shall lead to Termination of our service.

c. A User terminated and excluded from the OK2LAND system must cease immediately all attempts to access the system and delete alllinks from all privately owned devices. Invoices outstanding must be settled as per agreement and refunds shall be at the discretion of OK2LAND Limited.

10. Services

a. Free Basic Services Our free basic access allows: Automatic PPR processing, paying and receiving landing fees and parking fees, links to PICs’ log book, and entries in the aerodrome log book, PPR with indemnity statement, runway statistics, and dashboard as management content panel and monitor aircraft arrivals and departures and remote admin of billing, collection link to accounting system (e.g. Sage), that is necessary to run an aerodrome. A mobile version for small unstaffed aerodrome owners and FOB managers.

b. Subscription for Extra Services We grant access to extra services, such as aircraft owners logbook linked to maintainence firms, and fleet logs such as flying schools, flying clubs, air taxis, business and executive aircraft and similar fleets require an annual subscription. Subscriptions are payable annually in advance on application only.

c. Aerodromes, additional mobile friendly Apron display pages, Runway statistics, Traffic statistics, passenger traffic management and baggage.d. Subscription prices are displayed on the platform. The Subscription will auto-renew on the first day of each calendar year until a User chooses to discontinue at the end of the calendar year. A natural person who is not a commercial entity has the right to cancel the auto-renewed Subscription up to fourteen days from the day s/he receives our auto mail informing of the renewal.

11. Cancellation

a. Extras Subscriptions auto-renew on the first day of each calendar year. Users may cancel their Subscription at any time before the 1st of January of the following calendar year via their App or Dashboard. With cancellation of the Extras Subscription the User access shall revert to the Basic services only. Any data pertinent to the Extras Subscription that was stored will be unavailable after cancellation.

b. Cancellation of the Free Basic Services that constitute an exit as a member of OK2Land shall automatically erase all personal data about the User who are aircrew and pilot log book information and Favourites. Aerodrome User data shall be retained as a public ecord with the exception of financial transactions. Reapplying for the Basic Service will not be able to enjoy previously stored data.

12. Intellectual Property

a. Users, and other natural persons and legal entities are hereby made aware that there is a Patent pending on the OK2Land system.

b. Nothing herein or website or App assigns or any other medium grants to any natural person, company or User or any third party any right, title or interest including any intellectual property rights in or to any aspect of the OK2Land Platform or OK2Land’s business services.

c. OK2Land is the exclusive owner or licensee of our Platform and all aspects thereof, and all use of the Platform by any other party ison a licence-only basis and agreement and acceptance with this is automatic when a User creates an account in the OK2LAND system.

13. None Disclosure and Confidentiality

It is agreed by all parties that interact under these conditions to respect the confidentiality of information given or received in any form and protect each party’s information and not copy or record any information except for the operation of the system, nor allow access to any confidential information except on a Need To Know basis to employees, agents, independent contractors, any third parties, professional services providers, legal authorities, without prior written consent from OK2LAND.

14. Licence Restrictions

The following actions on the OK2LAND system are forbidden: To attempt in any way on the whole or any part or segment of the System, or Application or example but not limited to copy, manipulate, reverse-engineer, creating derivative works, disassemble, decompile or any other method not here named now or in the future to infringe or evade the OK2LAND licence conditions or make alterations, modifications, or attempt to make OK2LAND content whole or in part available to other unauthorised natural persons or entities in the form of programming language, codes, passwords, false licences, or any other intellectual property. This includes uploading malware containing but not limited to; spyware, adware, botnets viruses, trojan horses, worms, zombies, time bombs and logic bombs or any computer code detrimental to the legal function of the OK2LAND Platform;

15. Mediator Roles

a. OK2Land will not be a party to discussion or mediate in dispute between Users nor able to resolve such disputes.

b. If requested by the authorities to provide information as part of a dispute between any Users, OK2Land shall impartially fulfil its legal responsabilities.

c. If attendance is required of OK2LAND at an inquiry, hearing o tribunal will be fulfilled on condition that it is reimbursed for its time, expenses and other related costs.

16. Content Rights

a. Content includes but is not limited to information, text, images, which the Aerodrome provides under its User account, such as any landing data or other comments you uploaded in respect of the Aerodrome.

b. Member data upload by aerodromes are intellectual properly of that entity and retain the ownership rights on data entered by operators of that aerodrome.

c. Aerodromes grant OK2LAND a non-exclusive licence (including the right to grant sub licences) to use, copy, distribute, reproduceand publish any data to aid the operation of the OK2LAND platform such as runway data, elevation data, landing fees, and other service fees, fuelling data and special hazards and hours of availability.

d. Statistics of landings, fees collected, traffic data are transmitted exclusively and solely to the aerodrome administration or FBO and to named firms as directed by the aerodrome operator. This data after passed to the aerodrome operator is then erased from OK2LAND archives.

e. Aerodrome data, such as, but not limited to, photos, staff statements, references made available to OK2LAND remain the intellectual property of the aerodrome but grant OK2LAND theunlimited use in the promotion of the aerodrome and OK2LANDplatform through promotions, publicity, web content, mobile devices and social media without payment or other compensation.

f. The aerodrome operator certifies to be the true owner to the intellectual rights of materials and content and authorised to grant OK2LAND the unrestricted and perpetual rights to use said materials including obtaining permissions and consent of third parties who supplied any of the content.

g. The OK2LAND platform and all marketing material in all forms developed by or for OK2LAND remain the copyright and property of OK2LAND. Materials produced and published, including content supplied by the aerodrome, used in, for example; website, brochures, handouts, fair stands, adverts, video clips, social medi is owned and controlled by OK2LAND and to be used as OK2LAND sees fit and on an ongoing basis even should the aerodrome Operator retire or pass the control of the aerodrome to another entity.

17. Availability of the Platform

a. It cannot be guaranteed that the system will not be interrupted from external influences beyond our control or scheduled maintenance, upgrades, and services that will be planned to avoid or minimise interference.

b. Should an outage occur OK2Land will react in a timely manner. The unavailability of any one particular aerodrome does not constitute an outage of the system.

18. Viruse Prevention

a. OK2LAND uses it best efforts to prevent the platform containing or transfer malware or viruses.

b. Users and members install up-to-date anti-virus software and to virus-check any downloads and data and regularly carry out checks against viruses and Malware.

19. General Liabilities

a. To the full extent permitted by law we exclude liability for damage or loss of any kind caused by viruses or Malware.

b. Nothing which we provide shall be constituted as legal, financial, tax, or other operational or regulated advice and Users shall not be entitled to treat it as such.

c. Our Responsibility for Loss or Damage suffered is not limited in any way that would be unlawful such as death or injury caused by negligence of OK2LAND or its employees, partner aerodromes, agents or contractors for wilful and deliberate misrepresentation.

d. Except as set out in the paragraphs above, Users accept and agree we will not be liable for any harmful effect that accessing the Platform may have on them and agree that accessing the Platform is at their own personal and commercial risk.

e. Neither party will be liable for errors or omissions or delays caused as a result of events or circumstances beyond that party’s reasonable control, including acts of god, changes of government regulations, fire, earthquakes, flood, strikes, civil unrest, war, terrorist acts, failures or delays to server or internet services, telecommunications or third party services.

20. No Guarantee on Information

a. Information and data supplied through the OK2LAND platform is collected and supplied in good faith and without warranties in any way and is used at a party’s own risk and any assumed damages are to be settled directly with the entity that supplied the data.

b. OK2LAND assumes no liability for accidents occurring after a User has used OK2LAND and cannot be based on any claim of OK2Land’s negligence and is, therefore, not responsible for User misuse or misemployment or mis-briefing and therefore not be liable for any User’s indirect loss, loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of goodwill, loss of ground or airborneequipment, loss and remote loss in connection with the OK2LAND system.

21. Contractual Obligations and Agreements

a. Should OK2LAND transfer any rights and responsibilities under these conditions to another entity this shall not affect any User rights or OK2LAND obligations under these business conditions and a User or partner or member may not reassign or transfer any rights owned by the User or member unless OK2LAND grants prio approval in writing.

b. A User is granted licences to enjoy services with the OK2LAND services through its platform and payments are for periodic use of the system and in no way suggest, promise, offer and share, control or ownership in parts or whole and OK2LAND possesses full ownership of the platform and system in perpetuity.

c. Any delay in enforcement of rights or breach of rights shall not be interpreted as a waiver of said rights nor does it eliminate any obligations under our terms and conditions. Any possible written waiver issued by OK2LAND would be for a single breach and not for any other or later breaches.

d. No joint venture, agency, partnership, employment or franchise relationship is construed or intended or made by any of the Conditions between OK2Land and any User.

e. Should a court of competent jurisdiction judge any part of our Terms and Conditions to be invalid, illegal, unlawful, injure consumer rights, or unworkable these shall be modified or deleted while all other conditions shall remain as are in force between OK2LAND and its Users subject to the law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England, Wales, and Scotland.

f. OK2LAND is an internationally registered trade name and trademark of OK2LAND Limited.g. All OK2LAND logos, trademarks, trade names, domain names, titles, slogans, technical expressions or any other features of OK2LAND are the sole property of OK2LAND or its licensors in various territories.

h. These Conditions of Use do not grant any legal entity or natural person any rights to use any OK2LAND features for commercial nor non-commercial use in any way or as references or suggestions of affiliation.

22. Who We Are

a. OK2Land Limited is registered in the United Kingdom and the USA. Company Registration number 11271183 registered at 30-34 North St, Hailsham BN27 1DW, United Kingdom. Tel: 0044 (0)20 808 98608. WEB. www.ok2land.com

b. The OK2LAND system and content such as, but not limited to, forms, invoices, lists, notices, screen layouts, displays, Auto-PPR concept, PPR liability and Indemnity texts, grass-field warning texts, agreements, concepts, diagrams, programming, are registered copyright material. © 2022 OK2LAND Limited.

UK Patent Pending

23. Communications

If you wish to contact us for any reason, you can do so via


Copyright © 2022 OK2LAND Limited.

Company Number 11271183

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