Pricing plan for every Airfields

Choose the pricing plan that suits your airfield's needs and enjoy the benefits of streamlined administration, reduced errors, and increased efficiency. Our plans are designed to accommodate airfields of all sizes, with transparent pricing and no hidden fees.

No upfront cost

Free Programme download or AIP Links to your system
Reduction of admin work
Automatic Arrivals Landing Log
Automatic Customer billing and receipting
Reduces tower bookkeeping

How much can you save
with OK2LAND

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Cost Savings and Value Provided by OK2Land

OK2Land offers a range of cost-saving solutions for airfields, including automated administration, reduced human error, increased efficiency, 24/7 fee collection, and remote monitoring and statistics.

Cost Savings

Automated administration, reduced human error, increased efficiency, 24/7 fee collection, remote monitoring and statistics.

Value Provided

Streamlined PPR management, convenient fee payments, digital receipts, increased autonomy.

Simplify Your Airfield Administration

Streamline PPR Management, Landing Fees Collection, and More